Moving on May 1st? Use this Discount Code!

by | Apr 21, 2016

Safe Responsible Discount Codes for Moving on May 1st, 2017!

Moving on May 1st? Great! May 1st is known for many reasons — it is celebrated as International Workers’ Day in many foreign countries, it was the date of the 1786 Vienna premier of Mozart’s The Marriage of Figaro, and on May 1st, 1991, Ricky Henderson stole his 939th base to become baseball’s all-time leader.

This year on May 1st, filmmaker Wes Anderson will celebrate his 48th birthday, while local professional basketball player Amir Johnson will celebrate his 30th.

Perhaps for those reasons,* May 1st is also the is the official start of the busy moving season. It’s the time of year during which the majority of leases in the Boston area start coming up for renewal. It’s when people start to be confident that weather won’t interrupt their moving plans. And it’s when moving prices skyrocket because companies know how desperate some people are going to get in their search for movers.

Moving on May 1st is a bit easier if you're rich.

Moving on May 1st is no big deal for the “Richest Man in Town!” The rest of us can use discount code MAYDAY2017. By National Telefilm Associates (Screenshot of the movie) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Here are the three most important factors in determining the rate a moving company can offer you for a particular date:

What time of the year is it?

May through September is the busy season. So any move during these months will be more expensive than a wintertime move. We’ve explained this before, but it’s worth mentioning again. It’s one of many ways moving is like a romantic vacation to Paris: the summer is the busy season.

Which part of the month is it?

The beginning and the end of the month are always more expensive than the middle. No matter the day of the week, the 1st, 2nd, 30th, and 31st are ALWAYS more expensive than the 12th or the 18th.

What day of the week is it?

Weekends cost more than weekdays. May 1st is a Monday this year. Prices all around Massachusetts are going to reflect that.

If you can avoid moving on the First of May, that’s going to be your best option. If don’t have a flexible date, however, we’re here to help.

We’ve reserved a few slots for DISCOUNTED MOVES on May 1st. There aren’t many, and they’ll be gone before you know it. But if you book today, we’ll give you the lowest possible rate that has our MA moving company.

Caviar? Maybe if you don't spend all your money moving on the first of the month.

Moving on May 1st? Maybe cancel the caviar lunch for that day. (Photo by Wikimedia Commons)

That’s right. If you mention in your “additional information” that you read this post, and you copy and paste the code “MAYDAY2017” into your quote request, we will give you our most inexpensive rate.

On top of that, we’ll discount that rate by 10%. That‘s ten percent off your total bill! Not 10% off this or that hidden fee, but honest-to-goodness 10% off of whatever the total is at the end of the job.

You MUST use the quote in your original quote request for it to be valid. Also, we can only offer the discount if we have an opening for your move. (Obviously). And it’s for moving on May 1st, 2017. It doesn’t apply to any other date.

Ready to Book?

We’re proud to be Boston and the surrounding area’s most highly-reviewed moving company and to be in the list of best moving companies in Boston (seriously — just search on us, Google+, or the Better Business Bureau). And we’re equally excited to prove it with these discounted moves.

If you’re moving on May 1st (or at any other time), get in touch to request a quote today before we’re all booked up!

*May 1st being a popular and expensive day to move has absolutely nothing to do with any of these reasons. (Though firsts of any month are some of the most commonly occurring dates in literature.)

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