Book before January 1st and Get 15 Percent off your Moving Bill!
Looking for a winter moving discount? If there’s two tips we can offer to hire cheap movers, they are that you should book early and move during the off-peak times. The off-peak times, for those who don’t know, are weekdays, days towards the middle of the month (excluding holidays), and dates during the winter months.
However, as there are few precious days left in 2017, Safe Responsible is offering an extra 15 percent discount off of your total moving bill if you book before New Year’s Day. Of course, that’s not all. This discount will apply to any move to take place in 2018. As long as you book before New Year’s Day, you’re golden. That’s right. Boston’s best-reviewed moving company is offering a discount for any move in 2018 if you book in the next three days.
How to get the 15% Moving Discount:
1. Fill out a quote request form on our website. Before hitting “submit,” put the discount code Winter17 in the field that asks “how did you hear about us?”
2. Make sure to send in the quote request before 11:59 p.m. on December 31, 2017. Any submissions after that time will not be eligible for the discount.
3. Make sure you’re requesting a move date in 2018. The discount is only valid for 2018. Of course, weekends and days toward the end of the month will have a higher rate to begin with, but the discount will be applied regardless. (The only exception is if we are already fully booked for the date you request. If that is the case, then we obviously wouldn’t be able to offer a discount. To avoid this, a good idea is to offer as many dates as possible when requesting a moving quote.)
4. Start by filling out a quote request. The discount is only valid when using the website to request a quote.

To get 15% off your move, make sure to use winter moving discount Winter17 before this ball drops. (Photo by Clare Cridland (Macy’s Times Square crystal ball, New York City) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons.)
Remember: To get a Winter Discount, Use Code Winter17
That’s it. Just use the code and follow the instructions above. And we’ll give you a 15% discount on your move for any date in 2018. It’s that simple. (As long as you put in the request before the ball drops!) The discount will apply to your entire moving bill. That includes labor costs, your travel fee, and any moving permit services.
We know Boston can be one of the more expensive places to live, and winter moving can sometimes be more trouble than it’s worth. But hiring cheap movers (who are also the best-reviewed in Boston) can mitigate some of the hassle. So if you want to take advantage of the slower season, and you prepare yourself for moving day, you can save yourself a decent chunk of change. (And you’ll help the economy, too!)
Whether you’re moving your home or your office, if you request a quote before ringing in the new year, you can ensure at least one of the new year’s challenges will be a little less difficult.
Ready to use the winter moving discount code? Get a quote today!